46 found
  1.  80
    An analysis of the subjunctive conditional.Charles B. Daniels & James B. Freeman - 1980 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 21 (4):639-655.
  2.  62
    God, demon, good, evil.Charles B. Daniels - 1997 - Journal of Value Inquiry 31 (2):177-181.
  3.  82
    “The story says that” operator in story semantics.Charles B. Daniels - 1987 - Studia Logica 46 (1):73-86.
    In [2] a semantics for implication is offered that makes use of stories — sets of sentences assembled under various constraints. Sentences are evaluated at an actual world and in each member of a set of stories. A sentence B is true in a story s just when B s. A implies B iff for all stories and the actual world, whenever A is true, B is true. In this article the first-order language of [2] is extended by the addition (...)
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  4.  29
    Personal Identity.Charles B. Daniels - 1969 - American Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):226 - 232.
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  5. The afterlife myth in Plato's gorgias.Charles B. Daniels - 1992 - Journal of Value Inquiry 26 (2):271-279.
  6. Is oedipus Smart?Charles B. Daniels - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):562-566.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is Oedipus Smart?Charles B. DanielsWhat does it amount to, to ask whether Oedipus is smart, intelligent, clever? I take this to mean that he is quicker than most to gain understanding about difficult matters. Now, does Sophocles in Oedipus Rex portray Oedipus to be an intelligent, clever man?The Yes AnswerA "yes" answer to the title question may rest upon three grounds:Y1. Everyone in the play, including Oedipus himself and (...)
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  7.  11
    The evaluation of ethical theories.Charles B. Daniels - 1975 - Halifax, N.S.: Published for the Canadian Association for Publishing in Philosophy by Dalhousie University Press.
  8.  49
    Classical second-order intensional logic with maximal propositions.Charles B. Daniels & James B. Freeman - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):1 - 31.
    By the standards presented in the Introduction, CMFC2 is deficient on at least one ontological ground: ‘∀’ is a syncategorematic expression and so CMFC2 is not an ideal language. To some there may be an additional difficulty: any two wffs provably equivalent in the classical sense are provably identical. We hope in sequel to present systems free of these difficulties, free either of one or the other, or perhaps both.This work was done with the aid of Canada Council Grant S74-0551-S1.
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  9.  63
    Immediate Knowledge: Ayer, Strawson, and Shoemaker.Charles B. Daniels - 1967 - Theoria 33 (3):176-188.
  10.  66
    Note on colourization.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - British Journal of Aesthetics 30 (1):68-70.
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  11.  46
    Privacy and Verification.Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Analysis 48 (2):100 - 102.
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  12. Pity, fear, and catharsis in Aristotle's poetics.Charles B. Daniels & Sam Scully - 1992 - Noûs 26 (2):204-217.
  13. Self-deception and interpersonal deception.Charles B. Daniels - 1974 - Personalist 55 (3):244-252.
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  14. Ontology and method in Wittgenstein's tractatus.Charles B. Daniels & John Davison - 1973 - Noûs 7 (3):233-247.
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  15.  22
    Two Notions of Truth.Charles B. Daniels & James B. Freeman - 1980 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):333-345.
  16.  65
    A first-order logic with no logical constants.Charles B. Daniels - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (3):408-413.
  17.  34
    Good' defined in terms of 'better.Charles B. Daniels - 1993 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 34 (3):439-444.
  18. 'I' as a definite description.Charles B. Daniels - 1968 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 46 (3):200-209.
  19.  29
    Abortion and Potential.Charles B. Daniels - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (2):220-223.
    In a recent article “Abortion and Simple Consciousness', Werner S. Pluhar puts forward the following view:A few words of explanation are in order. The reasoning can, I think, be summed up as follows: If one thinks that being conscious is what gives beings rights, then what justifies preferential treatment for humans as opposed to sentient members of other species? The fact, or so the answer goes, that humans have a higher degree of consciousness than do members of other species. But (...)
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  20.  45
    A Caution To The Anti-realist.Charles B. Daniels - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (3):489-492.
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  21.  87
    A Few Words about Knowledge, Scepticism, and Entailment.Charles B. Daniels - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (2):341 - 342.
    In a recent article entitled “Scepticism and Knowing That One Knows”, Michael Hall poses a sceptical argument based upon two rules of inference:where ‘Kp’ stands for ‘it is known that p'. The argument goes:Hall attacks R2, but he says little about R1. I wish to add a few words of warning about R1 as well.
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  22.  67
    A note on ethical egoism.Charles B. Daniels - 1972 - Philosophical Studies 23 (6):418 - 420.
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  23.  34
    A spinozistic axiomatics in story semantics.Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Philosophia 18 (4):347-356.
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  24.  53
    A theism-free cartesian analysis of knowledge.Charles B. Daniels - 1999 - Noûs 33 (2):201-213.
  25.  24
    Colors and sensations, or how to define a pain ostensively.Charles B. Daniels - 1967 - American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3):231-237.
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  26. Definite descriptions.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):87 - 104.
    Three views on definite descriptions are summarized and discussed, including that of P. F. Strawson in which reference failure results in lack of truth value. When reference failure is allowed, a problem arises concerning Universal Instantiation. Van Fraassen solves the problem by the use of supervaluations, preserving as well such theorems as a=a, and Fa or ~Fa, even when the term a fails to refer. In the present paper a form of relevant, quasi-analytic implication is set out which allows reference (...)
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  27.  61
    Experiencing God.Charles B. Daniels - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 49 (3):487-499.
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  28.  36
    God VS. Less than the very best.Charles B. Daniels - 1996 - Sophia 35 (1):21-27.
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  29.  32
    Having a Future.Charles B. Daniels - 1992 - Dialogue 31 (4):661-.
    In a recent article, Don Marquis canvasses the arguments on both sides of the abortion controversy and then puts forward his own argument against abortion:A. To deprive someone of the value of his or her future is prima facie wrong.B. The future an adult has is included in the future of the fetus it developed from.C. Abortion deprives the fetus of the value of its future.D. Therefore, abortion is prima facie wrong.I wish to show that this reasoning in no way (...)
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  30.  82
    In Defence of Reincarnation.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - Religious Studies 26 (4):501 - 504.
    In ‘Reincarnation and Relativized Identity’ 1 J. J. MacIntosh argues that reincarnation is impossible. I wish to make a slightly backhanded defence of reincarnation by showing that MacIntosh's argument does not succeed. I do not follow his recipe for defence of reincarnation exactly.
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  31. Is Seeing Believing?Charles B. Daniels - 1978 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 59 (2):162.
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  32.  22
    On Dramatic Performance.Charles B. Daniels - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (4):683-.
    What is the difference between a reading of a play and a performance of it? In both, the same text is uttered. Both may occur on stage. In both different people may recite the lines of different characters. But unlike a mere reading, in a performance of a play what happens on stage conforms to the text being pronounced.
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  33.  64
    Ought we Prevent Preventable Evils?Charles B. Daniels - 2006 - Disputatio 1 (20):1 - 12.
    In Practical Ethics Peter Singer argues for an ‘obligation to assist’: First premise: If we can prevent something bad without sacrificing anything of comparable significance, we ought to do it. Second premise: Absolute poverty is bad. Third premise: There is some absolute poverty we can prevent without sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance. Conclusion: We ought to prevent some absolute poverty. This paper is dedicated to a criticism of four readings of the first premise and an undesirable link the first (...)
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  34.  18
    Philosophical abstracts.Charles B. Daniels - 1967 - American Philosophical Quarterly 4 (3).
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  35.  10
    Personal Pronouns, Persons, and Personal Identity.Charles B. Daniels - 1969
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  36. Perception, thought, and reality.Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Noûs 22 (3):455-464.
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  37. Spinoza on the mind-body problem: Two questions.Charles B. Daniels - 1976 - Mind 85 (340):542-558.
  38.  67
    Seeing through a time-gap.Charles B. Daniels - 1970 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 48 (3):354 – 359.
  39.  24
    Tolstoy and Corrupt Art.Charles B. Daniels - 1974 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 8 (4):41.
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  40.  20
    Toward an ontology of number, mind, and sign.Charles B. Daniels - 1986 - [Atlantic Highlands] N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by James B. Freeman & Gerald W. Charlwood.
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  41.  44
    The propositional objects of mental attitudes.Charles B. Daniels - 1990 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 19 (3):317 - 342.
  42.  63
    A second-order relevance logic with modality.James B. Freeman & Charles B. Daniels - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):113 - 135.
    In this paper a system, RPF, of second-order relevance logic with S5 necessity is presented which contains a defined, notion of identity for propositions. A complete semantics is provided. It is shown that RPF allows for more than one necessary proposition. RPF contains primitive syntactic counterparts of the following semantic notions: (1) the reflexive, symmetrical, transitive binary alternativeness relation for S5 necessity, (2) the ternary Routley-Meyer alternativeness relation for implication, and (3) the Routley-Meyer notion of a prime intensional theory, as (...)
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  43.  76
    Maximal propositions and the coherence theory of truth.James B. Freeman & Charles B. Daniels - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (1):56-71.
    In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein maintains that “The world is all that is the case.” Some philosophers have seen an advantage in introducing into a formal language either a constant which will represent the world, or an operator, e.g., ‘Max’, such that indicates that p gives a complete description of the actual world, of the world at some instant of time, or of a possible world. Such propositions are called world propositions, possible world propositions, or maximal propositions. For us, a maximal (...)
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  44. Philosophy of the Film: Epistemology, Ontology, Aesthetics Ian Jarvie New York and London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987. Pp. 407. $41.50. [REVIEW]Charles B. Daniels - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (3):554.
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  45. The Genealogy of Disjunction R. E. Jennings New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, x + 344 pp., $66.95. [REVIEW]Charles B. Daniels - 1997 - Dialogue 36 (1):208-210.
  46.  25
    Truth or Consequences: Essays in Honor of Nuel Belnap Michael Dunn and Anil Gupta, eds. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, 378 pp. US$115. [REVIEW]Charles B. Daniels - 1993 - Dialogue 32 (4):812-.
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